First-Year Writing Showcase


Each semester, the First-Year Writing program invites program faculty to nominate student writers whose work shines for features like idea development, critical thinking, organization, voice, creativity, language use, and writing and research processes. A faculty panel reviewed the nominated works and selected thirteen pieces reflecting a variety of genres, including Narrative, Video Remix, and Research Argument. This semester’s selections represent writers in ENGL 11100 College Writing 1 and ENGL 11200 College Writing 2. We hope you enjoy meeting these writers and listening to their voices and ideas through their written work.


Kevin Aguilar
"Argumentative: Practical & Realistic Skills in Secondary Education"
College Writing 1, Dr. Jordan Canzonetta

Malen De la Fuente Arruabarrena
"Through my Spanish Eyes"
College Writing 1, Dr. Richard Foss

Delaney Garden
"Literacy Narrative. Narrativa de Literatura. 识字叙述
College Writing 1, Dr. Ana Roncero-Bellido

Liam Jarot
"Movies and Me: A Memoir"
College Writing 1, Dr. Jen Consilio

Jake Kobler
Video Memoir
College Writing 1, Dr. Jen Consilio

Ameri Morris
"Screen time effects/ initiates Social Anxiety in Young Children and Adolescents"
College Writing 1, Dr. Ana Roncero-Bellido

Sabrina Perera
Climate Change Advertisement
College Writing 1, Ms. Michelle Lorenzen

Izak Provance
"What are the struggles that low-income/first generation Latinx students face in trying to earn a higher education."
College Writing 2, Dr. Thomas McNamara

Kylie Sanders
"How do higher education institutions, such as 蜜桃传媒最新版下载 University, accommodate low-income and first-generation students so that they experience a strong sense of belonging on campus?"
College Writing 2, Dr. Thomas McNamara

Ryan Syed
"Catch 22 and the Hero’s Journey (or lack thereof)"
College Writing 2, Dr. Wallace Ross

Jon-Michael Young
"Grief: An Unwanted Community"
College Writing 1, Ms. Michelle Lorenzen

Additional Showcase Nominees

  • Caswell Bloomquist, (Dr. Richard Foss)
  • Joram Bogers, (Dr. Richard Foss)
  • Logan Boros, (Brother Lawrence Oelschlegel)
  • Makayla Brady, (Dr. Ana Roncero-Bellido)
  • Emmamarie Brand, (Ms.Therese Jones)
  • Anne-Marie Catalan, (Brother Lawrence Oelschlegel)
  • Hannah Chapman, (Dr. Ana Roncero-Bellido)
  • Ryan Collins, (Dr. Ana Roncero-Bellido)
  • Allison Czekala, (Dr. Jordan Canzonetta)
  • Furqan Dadar (Dr. Thomas McNamara)
  • Tony DeNardis, (Brother Lawrence Oelschlegel)
  • Jackson Godfrey, (Dr. Jen Consilio) 
  • Andrew Heintzelman, (Dr. Ana Roncero-Bellido)
  • Henry Jacob (Dr. Thomas Mcnamara)
  • Chris Koldras, (Ms. Therese Jones)
  • Jeffrey Lacca, (Dr. Jordan Canzonetta)
  • Xavier Lopez, (Brother Lawrence Oelschlegel)
  • Lauryn Luangsomkham, (Dr. Richard Foss)
  • Kaitlyn Ortiz,  (Dr. Richard Foss)
  • Gaby Pacetti,  (Dr. Richard Foss)
  • Michael Pasciak, (Dr. Jennifer Consilio)
  • Sam Popp (Dr. Thomas McNamara)
  • Adriana Positano, (Ms. Michelle Lorenzen)
  • Julian Rocha (Dr. Sheila Kennedy)
  • Angel Rubio, (Brother Lawrence Oelschlegel)
  • Caleb Scurr, (Dr. Jordan Canzonetta)
  • Miranda Steponik, (Brother Lawrence Oelschlegel)
  • Philiffe Tebalan, (Dr. Ana Roncero-Bellido)
  • Ariadna Tlaseca, (Brother Lawrence Oelschlegel)
  • Ashley Trezek, (Brother Lawrence Oelschlegel)
  • Mason Varwig, (Brother Lawrence Oelschlegel)

Thank You

Thank you to all of our writers for creating and sharing their work. And thank you to all who directly support our first-year writers: our instructors, the Writing Center staff, and the Library Research instructors. We appreciate all you do to support first-year writers. And many thanks to our program Graduate Assistant, Crystal Zepeda, for all her help in coordinating the Showcase process.

Congratulations to all of our nominated and selected writers. Keep writing!

Jen Consilio, Ph.D.
Professor of English Studies
Director of the First-Year Writing Program

"Write, and your world
will explode with meaning."

--Donald M. Murray

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